Otthoni javítások Érzékeny Joomla sablon

6 months of support Egy termék megvásárlása 6 hónap támogatásra jogosítja a szerzőtől. Ha többet tudna meg a részletekről, kérjük, olvassa el a támogatás politikát.

shoppingBag Értékesítések: 28


Created: 2014. márc. 5.

Updated: 2014. márc. 5.

ID: 48543

og体育首页ONE - Korlátlan Letöltések $12.40/hó

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3 Reviews for this product

Plantilla perfecta para la empresa escogida. gracias, encantado de trabajar con ustedes.
Generally this template is OK. It looks nice and if you are familiar with Joomla the basic set up will be fine. I used Siteground's Joomla installer to install the engine and this template would not work properly. I uninstalled the CMS and then installed again using Templateog体育首页s it then worked correctly. Basic alterations such as logo, articles etc are easy, but some of the mods I have done have required in-depth alteration of the CSS files within the CPanel area. This isn't good practice, overrides would be better. However, all Templateog体育首页 support suggestions and video guides tell you to mod the raw files. A novice user will struggle with this and probably mess their pants. 24/7 support works well. Some operators very helpful, others less so and try to make out you don't know what you are doing even though you do. If you're struggling to find the FontAwesome version for this template it's in index.php , located in templates/theme1901
Sometimes it just fits perfectly!

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4,1 /5
Support rating (277 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 52
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
